domingo, 12 de abril de 2015


US created this regulation for the citizens of the Continental US and forgot about the fact that Puerto Ricans are US citizen, granted by them, as well.

On April 10, 2015 I was reading an article from The Washington Post titled “Puerto Ricans who can’t speak English qualify as disabled for Social Security” by Josh Hicks (Federal Eye). Before this could be considered good news, specially for those that due to the fact can not be fluent in the English language or academic skills, therefore making difficult to obtain a high job position, could receive some kind of benefits, instead, became another way to continued insulting the Pueblo of Puerto Rico. 

Once again Puerto Rico is out there on the spot light to be punished, criticized by whoever feels is in the position to do so, or feels have the right to do so. We, Puerto Ricans have become the punching bag of the Federal Government of the United States of America and I ask myself, how long it will take for us to bleed and die.

This is what I understand by reading the Washington Post Article

The article says:
_ “Auditors identified 218 cases between 2011 and 2013 in which the the Social Security Administration granted disability status to Puerto Rico residents because of the existing guidelines.”

This means that (1) there are only 218 cases in Puerto Rico receiving this type of benefis; “A claimant’s inability to communicate in English”. (2) The guidelines were not created by Puerto Ricans, but by the Social Security Administration. (3) That in order to know about this regulation and apply for it’s benefits, (4) one have to either have knowledge of the so many regulations of the Social Security Administration, this one specifically, or (5) an employee of the Social Security Department in Puerto Rico is giving this option to the citizens of Puerto Rico as a new alternative to receive this benefit before the high percentage of unemployment in the island. 

Let’s take a look at their rules. 
The rule of the Social Security Administration: 

“The inability to communicate in English relates to the employability of a claimant Because English is the dominant language of the country, it may be difficult for 
someone who doesn’t speak and understand English to do a job, regardless of the amount of education the person may have in another language.  Therefore, we consider a person’s ability to communicate in English when we evaluate what work, if any, he or she can do.  It generally doesn't matter what other language a person may 
be fluent in.”

What it means: That no matter how educated a person is, and how skillful, if a person doesn’t read, write, understand and speak English, therefore a person could qualify for the benefit-inability to communicate in English-that the Social Security Administration have to grand legally under their own regulations, to Puerto Ricans. “§ 404.1564. Your education as a vocational factor.” (code of federal regulation)Here is the link

In other words, the lack of communication in English, which is the main language of the United States, will make it difficult for a citizen to find a good job and good means to support himself, in the work force. Point: The US citizenship have no exceptions in Puerto Rico.

So, what is the issue?  That before any one could open their dirty mouths to pour their Niagara Falls of crap into the Puerto Ricans and our country, should go to the trouble of educating themselves on our standings, we recommend our universities for that purpose. 

What’s happening, that when the auditors of the Social Security Administration visited Puerto Rico, and found ONLY 218 cases of people receiving benefits for not been able to communicate in English, and about 4% of the hearings involving the same grid rule, they just realized... “AY, VIRGEN SANTA!! We (USA) have to do something about it. We are supposed to take away from Puerto Ricans as much as we could and not give them as much.

So, we (USA) need to change the rules immediately or about half of the Island of the Sea and the Sun, could be receiving money from us, noooo!!!!”

Really happening. 
Social Security Administration needs to evaluate, review and change the rules, because according to THEIR rules it is legally acceptable that Puerto Ricans receive this type of benefits. As a US territory, there are no exceptions for Puerto Ricans, it’s their right as US citizens. 

Under review and about to be changed: “Qualifying for Disability Benefits in Puerto Rico Based on an Inability to Speak English (A-12-13-13062)” (medical-vocational guidelines)

Other things to consider before you start talking nonsense about you own people:

This is Puerto Rico, even after the invasion by US (about 117 years ago) still uses the Spanish language as the primary way of communication, culture, expression. While the official languages are Spanish and English, the one used and expected to be learned is Spanish. Other than certain programs, schools or institutions teaching English and the grammar classes, all the education in Puerto Rico is in Spanish.

Just take a look at the current governor of Puerto Rico, Hon. Alejandro Garcia Padilla, even his own people had make fun of him for not been able to communicate fluently in the English language and he is the governor of the island. 

All citizens of the Common Wealth of Puerto Rico are mandated to be educated in Spanish, after been able to eliminate the English Only that came as a result of the invasion, where only US were in control of the Education Department and not the Puerto Ricans. So, happy that changed. Well, even thou, the invasion’s lovers are currently planning to make some changes in our education to see if they can make the Puerto Ricans more similar to the “north-americans (USA)”. I bet US is not liking this, or at least are in the LOL mode. 

The legal branch of US already established; “U.S. District Court’s earlier judgment, upheld by a U.S. Court of Appeals, found that, for the most part, it is the ability to communicate in Spanish, not English, that is vocationally important in Puerto Rico.”

So, if US recognized that our main language is Spanish, and we get educated in Spanish, and after so many years of their control in the island Spanish still is the language used and preferred, they (US) have to immediately eliminate this regulation on the Social Security Administration that legally allows Puerto Rican to benefit for their inability to communicate in English. And... they will change it, and they will eliminate this rule for the US Territory called Puerto Rico.

The article ends like this: “The Social Security Administration agreed with the proposals and said it is making preparations for a potential rule change, including by gathering research and taking input from federal experts and the public.”

Go ahead, share your opinions, talk crap about Puerto Ricans, send your signature, this is already happening, weather you agree or not.

Personal Note: This regulation may no longer exits in Puerto Rico, but it will in the US Continental, where Puerto Ricans may still qualify, unless the Social Security Administration apply the changes in their land or revokes the citizenship to Puerto Ricans. 

Jaque Mate!

Sigue Girando Planeta


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