lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018

Students, dropping the joy of going to school:

When going to school was fun

I still remember the joy of going to school. School was the place to meet with your friends, some of them from your community others from far away. You learn the academics and life things as well. 

Oh, yes, and there was bullying as well, but not to today’s degree, because no one went home and continued receiving attacks thru social media. And yes, there were times that you didn’t feel like going, just because you were tire, or didn’t want to do homework, or take a test, and so on, but in general going to school was the best thing with the best feeling that happen to most of us in general.

Schools today have become a scary place to go and to be associated with: You have to go to the school chosen by others, you have to seat with students way to different in manners or values than yours, you have to face teachers that are fed up with so many administrative responsibilities besides teaching, you have to deal with the misconducts of others, in many occasions out of control, you have to witness parents “beating up teachers” because they didn’t like the grade that their child receive. Today students have to waste time waiting for the teacher to give a lecture to the student that already interrupted the class and so on, and on. 

Today, you have to deal with that bully, that like in the past have behavioral issues, dangerous environment at home, but now, social media to receive hate from others or the place that he/she can send hate to others making all of these nonsense part of the school days. I definitively can’t see the joy of going to school anymore.

Today, we are not so sure anymore if the student with the most needs crying for some attention, will come one day to avenge the pain, sadness and evil inside of him/her against teachers and students in school.

It’s so sad, that we have to add to the fire drill, or earthquake drill the “intruder armed drill”. Sad and scary for all to have to learn how to best hide in a place where a bullet can’t reach you. So sad to feel the uncertainty whether or not you will make it back home to your loving ones.

Meanwhile, we also waste time discussing and disagreeing if a fire arm kills or the person who’s holding it. Going to school these days have lost the beauty and the joy of going to learn, to have a good time and to make friends for a lifetime.

Bori for Sigue Girando Planeta

 Based on the following note I read on Facebook and reality.

Dana Rae-Facebook

March 1, 2018 at 1:26pm ·

Today in school we practiced our active shooter lockdown. One of my first graders was scared and I had to hold him. Today is his birthday. He kept whispering "When will it be over?" into my ear. I kept responding "Soon" as I rocked him and tried to keep his birthday crown from stabbing me.

I had a mix of 1-5 graders in my classroom because we have a million tests that need to be taken. My fifth grader patted the back of the 2nd grader huddled next to him under a table. A 3rd grade girl cried silently and clutched the hand of her friend. The rest of the kids sat quietly (casket quiet) and stared aimlessly in the dark.

As the"intruder" tried to break into our room twice, several of them jumped, but remained silently. The 1st grader in my lap began to pant and his heart was beating out of his chest, but he didn't make a peep. Eventually, the principal announced the lockdown was lifted.

I turned on the lights, removed the table from in front of the door, opened the blinds and announced "Let's get back to work. " I was greeted with blank faces... petrified faces.... tear stained faces... confused faces... elated faces...and one "bitch REALLY?" face.

This is teaching in 2018. And no... I don't want a gun. #teacherlyfe

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